Add your favourite Vancouver Restaurant to Eye On Vancouver!
Would you like to list your favourite restaurant on Eye On Vancouver?
Adding your favourite restaurant works the same way as our very popular business directory the only difference is you add your listing
from our Restaurant Guide page instead of our business directory page. Our Restaurant Guide page has several categories of
restaurants, simply choose the category ( or categories - you can choose more than one of you like ) that best fits your restaurant
and add the details into the form provided. Add as much information as you want, upload a picture if you like, and don't forget to include
a website URL of the restaurant - you wouldn't believe how many forget to include that important detail!
Listing your favourite restaurant with Eye On Vancouver is free and will always be free as long as I own this website. Any restaurant
qualifies provided they have a business address in the following areas ... Burnaby Coquitlam, Delta,
Langley, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, North Vancouver,
Pitt Meadows, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, West Vancouver, Whiterock.
Regretably restaurant located outside of these areas will not be included in the Eye On Vancouver Restaurant Guide.
If you would like to list your restaurant and feel that our categories don't match your favourite restaurant please send me an email
and suggest a category title that would be a better for you.
Click Here to list your favourite restaurant.
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